Talks, Lecturs, and Workshopes

In addition to our one on one consulting services Sail’nCruise is available for a very cost effective lectures/Seminars/workshops.

Our instructor have 100 Ton Skipper certificate with years of yacht building/circumnavigation/worldwide cruising experience.   In addition we bring over 3 decades of High Tech consulting to fortune 500 companies, teaching and transforming technology into value added solutions that optimize results.  Sail’nCruise can bring our methodology, experience, and knowledge to your yacht club/sailing school/business team members and provide an entertaining/educating transfer of practical experience, theoretical knowledge, along with a sailing philosophy that allowed us to safely build, outfit and sail yachts around the globe.

Sailing Families lecture

 Sail’nCruise can provide you with lectures and workshops on many subjects (To name a few):

1)      A starting point to limitless Sailing and Cruising of small yachts

2)      A good philosophy for cruising safely to exotic destinations around the world

3)      How to define your sailing yacht requirements based on your sailing/cruising goals

4)      How to select and outfit a sailing/cruising yacht

5)      Theory and practicality of all yacht systems design/installation/maintenance/operation

6)      Safely sailing on a small yacht – People, Process, Technology for successful results

7)      Dream fulfillment – How to build your yacht and sail her around the world

8)      Getting your non-sailing partner to go sailing with you (And enjoy it ;-))

 In addition to the above, you can request a customized lecture/workshop that will be based on your requirements.